Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Virtual assistance truck driver

Have you ever imagined how difficult to drive a big truck? With a large truck, body and length would bother anyone who is driving, if not accompanied by a co-driver. Because many parts of the truck that is not seen by the driver of a truck without assistance Assistants truck driver.

Improving in factor road safety, particularly for truck drivers. Automotives company Volvo is developing the latest generation technology for truck security systems, which can make a truck driver was having a private assistant.

Volvo Technology is working, as part of Highly Automated Vehicles for Intelligent Transport (HAVEit) European Union will develop intelligent security system that will take over certain tasks from the driver, to reduce the risk of accidents. Provide specific signs to the driver if there is a small vehicle that crossed from the side and not visible to the rear view mirror with the help of sensors connected laterally and forward. Telling about traffic conditions, a safe distance, road signs, weather conditions, and even the condition of the truck driver himself.

Project Coordinator Hoegner Reiner said: "We all have different temperaments, so the system must know when the driver was angry or calm."

This technology will not take over completely the driver. but if in a ba

d situation and began to walk the security system automatically will take the necessary safe distance and if there is a vehicle that suddenly cut off and was directly in front of the truck lane and not in the distance secure the new technology will actually stop the truck without brakes from the driver.


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