Plengkung Beach is a Paradise for Surfers

Plengkung Beach or known by foreign tourists under the name G-Land is a paradise for professional surfers from domestic or foreign. The letter G comes from the word Grajagan, the name of a bay which has big waves.

Plengkung beach

Most of the surfers from Bali, via Banyuwangi directly to G-Land or to Grajagan, then rent a boat to the beach Plengkung. To stay available Cottage and Jungle camp near the beach for visitors.

G-Land is surrounded by tropical rain forests are still natural. May to October is the best month to surf. G-Land offers surf sports most favored by pesurfer and are advised only for professional surfers because the waves that can reach 5 (five)meters.

How to Achieve Beach Plengkung or G-Land?
Plengkung Beach is located on the southern coast of Banyuwangi, the eastern tip of East Java. The visitors can reach this beach by two lines, land or land and sea.
Through the Land the route is Banyuwangi-Kalipahit (59 km) ride Bus, Kalipahit-Pasaranyar (3 km) with a motorcycle taxi or rent a car, Pasaranyar Trianggulasi-Pancur (15 km), Pancur-Plengkung (9 km) with a Special Car.
Through the Land-Sea the route is Banyuwangi-Benculuk (35 km) ride bus or other public vehicle, Benculuk-Grajagan (18 km) and Grajagan Plengkung with Speed Boat.

plengkung surfers

Both point toward Plengkung are all no problem. If visitors choose through Grajagan Grajagan available lodging on the beach, and visitors can enjoy the beautiful beach before heading off to the beach Grajagan Plengkung.

come and enjoy its natural beauty paradise beach.
