Very interesting and I am curious what the real meaning of this sentence. Just For “His eye”. After checking and field data collection. Eh, it was the sentence contains a strong element of feminism. Thick as feminism itself he he.
Sexy but sweet, sexy but simple, that is the concept that offered a photography company in the UK for the couple's. You will find this art photography is never being imagined.
Art photography is better known as boudoir photography, which will make you feel closer / intimate, more sensual and more relaxed. The term itself is taken from the boudoir French language which means scowling or sneering (sorry it is rather difficult for translate course), since earlier times when the French woman get cranky or “nggondok” (Javanese language) will be inserted into the bedroom so he could pout freely.
The owner of this company has been so popular now, Amy Wood every day get 10 emails from women around the world who want to know more about boudoir photography. Amanda George, a candidate of the bride said I want to give a different wedding gift to her future husband, the boudoir photos of her that just for “His eye”, her future husband’s eye.
Boudoir Photography looks more natural, soft and sensual, not erotic. Amanda George says, "I think it's okay to be sexy for your husband".
Many women who do shoot boudoir photography as a gift for her fiancée or husband or for himself as a celebration of an accomplishment that he achieved such as weight loss. Female photographer, so privacy, did boudoir photography shoot.